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A mothers Loneliness

I am lying in bed wondering when the next feed will be.  It is usually around this time so it feels almost pointless to go to sleep before he wakes.  It's in these moments I dare to let my thoughts loose.  The ones I have been too busy all day with my baby to listen to.  It's in these moments I hold back the tears and try to push the welling grief down.  I am led right next to my husband, he is sleeping, and although I could just put my hand out and touch him - he feels further away than ever. I am lying here knowing I am lonelier than ever. My baby is asleep in the adjoining room, he has a cold and I can hear his nose whistling as he sleeps soundly.  In that room is my whole heart, my reason for going on, my reason for living. I have never had many friends, I came from a military family so we moved so many times friendships were fleeting and even in my adult life I have also remained nomadic! Maybe it's a learnt behaviour, not holding onto friendships be...

Product Review: Oceanus Miraclesuit - Controlling the mummy tummy at baby swim class

My little boy was 6 months old when we finally got a call to say that we had a space at a special pool that specialises in baby swimming and sensory. I was so excited to embark on this new adventure with my baby! After I had bought him his swimming nappies and the special requirement over nappy I dug out my old swimsuit! I realised with horror that my swimming costume didn’t fit my post baby body! I did what all mums do! I made do, feeling a little uncomfortable and embarrassed I quickly scooted into the pool in the hope all eyes would be on the giggling splashing babies! I promised myself I would lose the baby weight and it would be fine but that is not a quick solution and frankly being a mum has done nothing for my waistline.  So when I was offered the opportunity to review a product from  UK Swimwear it was like my prayers had been answered! As I browsed the extensive designer swimwear collection I was spoilt for choice!  But the costume I chose came in the shape of the Oceanus Miraclesuit. Since I became a mum I have some new lumps and bumps that have made me a little more self conscious.  Namely the bust and tummy!  And although a little skeptical about the costumes claim to make me look 10lbs lighter in 10 seconds, I certainly liked the idea of having my mummy tummy under control while I was feeling exposed in the pool! The website is so easy to use and I got lost in looking at all the beautiful costumes for ages! There are some gorgeous costumes which I have promised myself when I lose the pregnancy weight! If you need some motivation like me or are jetting off for some winter sun (lucky you!)then I recommend checking out some of the beautiful swimsuits here! And the costume arrived so quickly ready for my swim class on the Wednesday! I did what all women do when clothes arrive in the post, darted upstairs to try it on instantly, and I was delighted with it!
The Oceanus Miracle Suit (on a model - not me!)
  There is so much to love about the Oceanus swimsuit! It comes with soft lined cups, a flattering v-neckline and is made in a miratex fabric which just feels gorgeous to touch! I adore that this swimsuit is made to flatter your figure and with its shaping lines and contouring they say the miraclesuit helps you lose 10lbs in 10 seconds and for those of us who still have a little mummy tummy it certainly makes it a costume to consider! It apparently has three times the “holding power” of your average suit and I can certainly pay testament to that! I mean ladies, the mummy tummy is still there, and the cellulite covered thighs are still bared for all to see, but the wobble of the tum and the love handles are all smoothed.  As I pulled it on I instantly felt the support gently sucking me in but without any uncomfortable restriction at all.  I loved the soft cups as all breastfeeding mummies know, the bust is never quite the same again not only are they bigger but they are certainly less discreet than they used to be; so the smoothing cups made me feel less self aware and really well supported. I have never felt confident in a swimming costume, I have always seen them as a bit of a comodity and never given it too much thought but just bought the cheapest one that I could bear to be seen in. But putting this swimsuit on I suddenly realised I had been missing a trick; a swimsuit can be comfortable, supportive and make you feel good if you find the right one! The Oceanus miraclesuit is not cheap at £129.95; but I would say it is worth every penny.  Oceanus As a new mum I have those  lumps in places I didn’t used to, I am going through changes in my life that in some ways have ebbed away at my self-esteem, have left me exhausted and a reaching for the junk food! My body is barely recognisable to the person I used to be and I am not quite comfortable in it. So to have a costume that sucks me in, lifts my boobs, smooths me and makes me feel more comfortable in this alien body is certainly not a commodity it is a wardrobe essential! It is also well worth feeling comfortable enough to take the baby swimming as it is by far the best activity or group I have gone to with my baby! Swimming with your baby is an amazing experience.  Teaching them to be confident in water and even starting to teach water safety from an early age is a wonderful life skill you can give to your little one!  More than that though, splashing, twirling, swirling, zooming and gliding around a pool together will have you both giggling and smiling and give you memories to treasure for years to come! So go find a swim class and enjoy the time building the bond between you in a beautiful swimsuit!  

If you want sn extra discount then UK Swimwear are offering 15% off for black friday (24th November) and 10% off on cyber Monday.

oceanus miraclesuit
Baby swimming


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